Well my fist insight was that there are more stairs at CSUSM than I had imagined haha but after five weeks I think I got used to them.
One important thing I found in college is that every professor I met during Summer Bridge was more than willing to help me. Throughout my senior year in high school, my teachers constantly told me that in college nobody looks out for you. I was really scared! I thought my college professors would be mean and would turn me down when I asked for help. This is not true, I have to remember to go back to high school and let everyone know that most professors are happy to help you. EOP counselors are so nice and happy to help with academic, personal or any problem. Class professors want to clarify when students don’t understand something, you just have to ask. This makes me feel so much better! I know that this fall I will have people to guide me when I get lost.
I also learned that college will be fun. Well I already knew this, but Summer Bridge proved it right. There are so many things to do in campus! So many clubs, jobs, sports and activities. I met great people throughout this five weeks and I cannot wait for the fall where I know I will meet even more amazing people. I just didn’t know it was going to go by so fast! I will develop my talents from Strengthquest in the future, defiantly use the library for research, visit my EOP counselors for guidance, and have fun at the Clarke =)
Oh and I also learned that it would have been great living at UVA instead of at home…so much going on down there!
I think my biggest challenge will be managing my time. I do not procrastinate but ahhh sometimes there is too much going on. I mean 2-3hrs per each hour spent in class! Really? Come on its college I want to try everything. I want to work, study, and have fun. Will it be possible to do all that?! I really hope so! However I will do my best to overcome this obstacle even if it takes giving up my precious sleep to get through everything just on time! =) ahh wait…maybe not…I LOVE to sleep!! I can give up something else haha
Another challenge for me while in college is going to be moooney! I have been lucky to earn scholarships and other financial help for my freshman year and I really really hope to keep getting help for the rest of my years in college. I do not want to ask my parents for money because I want to be independent, they have already helped a lot for 18 years, it is time for me to grow up and take responsibility. I will overcome this challenge by working, saving, and spending my money responsibly! Tuition and books first =)