Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog 3:Insights & Obstacles

Well my fist insight was that there are more stairs at CSUSM than I had imagined haha but after five weeks I think I got used to them.

One important thing I found in college is that every professor I met during Summer Bridge was more than willing to help me. Throughout my senior year in high school, my teachers constantly told me that in college nobody looks out for you. I was really scared! I thought my college professors would be mean and would turn me down when I asked for help. This is not true, I have to remember to go back to high school and let everyone know that most professors are happy to help you. EOP counselors are so nice and happy to help with academic, personal or any problem. Class professors want to clarify when students don’t understand something, you just have to ask. This makes me feel so much better! I know that this fall I will have people to guide me when I get lost.

I also learned that college will be fun. Well I already knew this, but Summer Bridge proved it right. There are so many things to do in campus! So many clubs, jobs, sports and activities. I met great people throughout this five weeks and I cannot wait for the fall where I know I will meet even more amazing people. I just didn’t know it was going to go by so fast! I will develop my talents from Strengthquest in the future, defiantly use the library for research, visit my EOP counselors for guidance, and have fun at the Clarke =)

Oh and I also learned that it would have been great living at UVA instead of at home…so much going on down there!

I think my biggest challenge will be managing my time. I do not procrastinate but ahhh sometimes there is too much going on. I mean 2-3hrs per each hour spent in class! Really? Come on its college I want to try everything. I want to work, study, and have fun. Will it be possible to do all that?! I really hope so! However I will do my best to overcome this obstacle even if it takes giving up my precious sleep to get through everything just on time! =) ahh wait…maybe not…I LOVE to sleep!! I can give up something else haha

Another challenge for me while in college is going to be moooney! I have been lucky to earn scholarships and other financial help for my freshman year and I really really hope to keep getting help for the rest of my years in college. I do not want to ask my parents for money because I want to be independent, they have already helped a lot for 18 years, it is time for me to grow up and take responsibility. I will overcome this challenge by working, saving, and spending my money responsibly! Tuition and books first =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Blog 1: Introduction Letter

That's mee =) My name is Abril!! and what do I best like about myself? Let’s see… I like that I am me and I don’t try to be like anyone else. I like to be independent and outgoing. I like that I’m a happy person and I smile almost all the time. I like that I am good at school whether it’s because I’m smart or just very organized. I don’t think I’m talented; I wish I could sing but not even in the shower is my singing good. And about my best physical traits well… let’s just say that I am not perfect =) there are those times when I looove my hair and others when I hate it, it all depends on the day of the week, my mood, the people around me, Starbucks, make-up haha, and many more things to pick on my best physical trait =)

♥ I attended San Marcos High School and liked it very much!!
All four years I had a great time, there is not a lot of drama, all my teachers where dedicated to my learning, the counselors are the best at helping you get through high school and start college. I met amazing people who were always there to help. The spirit is not that great, and maybe the school is not beautiful, but San Marcos High School does provide a safe and nurturing educational environment for all students!

Gooooo Kniiights!! haha =]

♥ Where do I consider home? I consider home... my home =) Wherever my family is that’s where my home is. I live with my parents and my little brother. One of the biggest reasons why I decided to attend CSUSM is because I didn't want to be away from home. I love my sweet sweet home!♥

However, I also consider Tijuana my home. I was born there, lived there 11 years and most of my family lives there. Some people do not like TJ, but I looovee it =) haha I always have fun, I get to spend time with my family, I love eating tacos, Chinese food, tamales, flautas, chamangos mmmmmm eveeerythiiing!! I really don’t miss it a lot because almost every month my family and I go there to visit the rest of my family. I love going to the movie theater with my lovely cousins, go out to eat with my boyfriend or just walk around, there is always something to do in TJ and the best part is that you don't need a car to go around.

♥ What do I enjoy doing? I Loove free time and when I have it… I enjoy it in different ways =)
I don’t like to spend my free time at home so I go out with my friends, we go to the movies, we eat a lot, and we go to the mall. I also like to go to the beach; I just love to be under the sun! When I can’t go out, I watch movies at home, play Wii, myspace haha, I also loove to read, and not just the Twilight series, right now I’m reading The Da Vinci Code =) and I like to spend time with my pet Lola, she is the prettiest little dog ever!

♥Choosing a major has been very interesting, but also hard. After researching all the possible majors, I believe Business Administration is a great major for me because I am someone who enjoys leadership roles, using computers and working with numbers. I would love to manage personnel, deal with financial issues, and oversee the operations of an office. Although, I am open to change and try new things!!

♥My “Hollywood crush” is Zac Efron =) ♥ I thinks he is so cute and talented. He is a great actor and singer. He is the reason why I watch High School Musical and hate Vanessa Hudgens haha =]

♥All my life my dad has been an inspiration to me for achieving my goals. He completed high school and was not able to go to college because his parents could not afford his education. Although this did not stop him, he always worked hard and soon began to love working with computers. He was offered a job as a Computer Analyst in Carlsbad when we lived in TJ. It’s for him that we have about 7 years living here and I will always thank him for giving me this opportunity of furthering my education. A college diploma has always been our dream and there is nothing that can stop us. There is no doubt that I want to go to college because I know it would make my dad proud, and I will be the fist in my family to attend college.

♥My biggest fear about college is meeting evil teachers. All my life I’ve always had teaches who love to do their job, who are willing to help, who are nice and who take an interest in the students life. So far in college I have met great people who want to help, but I’ve heard that university professors can be mean. Also like everyone else I do fear failing a class because the work is to hard/too much homework. I do not think finance will be a problem this year because I have scholarships and FAFSA helping me, but I fear maybe next year I won’t have all these help. My family does have really high expectations and I will give all my best and work hard to meet them. One of my biggest fears was making friends, I thought I wasn’t going to know anyone on campus, but thanks to Summer Bridge that’s not a fear any more. I have met great people from all over California who are really nice and friendly. Thanks for making going to class fun and not scary!!